by Tyler | Nov 16, 2021 | CBD, For Fun, History Lessons, Recipes
Get Baked! CBD Infused Honey Ginger Pumpkin Muffins There is no better taste of fall than spiced pumpkin muffins! Fall to us is our home smelling like freshly baked goods with sweet notes of pumpkin, honey, and ginger! So we packed up a bowl and headed into our...
by Michael Field | Sep 23, 2018 | CBD, Item Release
We all know CBD to be a miracle worker when it comes to pain relief, depression, digestion issues, mood balance, and more. If you’ve been into our shops recently, you might have noticed we’re starting to carry A LOT more CBD in our inventory of awesome. There’s a...
by Michael Field | Dec 28, 2016 | CBD, News
The DEA has a new drug code for marijuana extracts: 7350. This code was created to wipe out the gray areas that exist in the current scheduling, especially when it comes to compounds extracted from hemp. A highly medicinal and scientifically lauded compound called CBD...