Glass Pipes – A Few of Our Favorites

Glass Pipes – A Few of Our Favorites

How do you know when you’ve found the right glass? Does it scream your name when your fingers touch it, opening the door to Narnia slowly behind the counter? Does it start to glow and then spin into a different universe, only coming back once you’ve proven...
Glass as an Art

Glass as an Art

Per Adam: I believe that to many people don’t appreciate glass as art. If you take the time to break it down and understand the complexity of how a piece is made, then you would start to enjoy it a lot more. Have you ever bought a replacement piece to find out...
Detox for Toxin Buildup

Detox for Toxin Buildup

In this age of health and wellness, few people want to deal with a build-up of toxins in the body. Some have taken things into their own hands and begun measuring their toxin levels, trying to determine whether a detox is right for them. The amount of time it takes...
Brandon Delay Pipes

Brandon Delay Pipes

Specific product it is! Brandon Delay pipes are my favorite! I am one of those people who tends to be on the clutzy side. I have broken every piece of glass I have ever owned and that has brought some heart ache over the years. But I have found my saving grace...
RezBlock by 420 Science

RezBlock by 420 Science

Perks! In 1994 I bought my first waterpipe to commemorate my 18th birthday. It was a purple Graffix tube with a yellow “piggy-back”, which was essentially an ash catcher that worked as an external perk. I drove from Ft. Collins to Colorado Springs to make...

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