original headed west locationSo my entrepreneurial skills came about in the mid 1980’s. I had a dream at becoming a legendary BMX racer yet I had not money for expensive bikes, racing gear, tools and etc. I told my mom I wanted to sell candy on the school bus. After some consideration my Mom drove me two hours each way to St Louis, MO where we went to Sam’s Club to buy candy in bulk. The first trip my Mom bought the first round of inventory as I was only 11 and had NO money. After about 3 weeks all my candy was sold and we headed back to the city to buy the 2nd round of inventory. At this point I was able to pay my Mom back half and still have money to buy more candy. Rather quickly, my sales picked up and I was original headed westselling candy like “hot cakes”. I had my Mom completely paid off and I was starting to save money each and every week. I had my eye set on the BMX race bike however it was over $500 at the time. So I started with a less expensive bike until one day I finally reached my goal of purchasing the “Hutch Pro Racer” bicycle. At that point I knew I was destined to be an entrepreneur. After graduating from college and moving out to Colorado I worked for several locally owned businesses. In 1996 I finally made the decision I was going to open a “smoke shop”. A couple months later after lots of hard work and dedication and a small loan from my grandparents I made my dreams become a reality.


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